Friday 16 October 2009

Armchairpolitician - Seven Segment Deboner

Armchairpolitician make me want to post pictures of my dick, that's how much of an erection they give me when I listen to them and think about being in the shower with my girlfriend and rubbing up against her and wait wtf I'm talking about an album, stop getting me off track you distracting fuckheads. Will post pictures of my (someone else's) dick if you leave a comment or a shout or something. In the meantime here is a really fucking awesome album with all sorts of jizzworthy attractions including and not limited to some siqq beats and shit, not really it's a post-hardcore album except it's not really either it's kind of experimental except wtfever. That looks like fever. You have no idea how much that entertained me.
Stfu already you stupid faggot.

Thursday 15 October 2009

MY NAME IS: cirq

hello guys,
im cirq!
this is ME

Monday 12 October 2009

Ceremony - Violence Violence

Ugh my hand hurts so fucking bad right now. No, not because I was masturbating furiously. That had nothing to do with it. Earlier I was listening to this and I was really, really fucking pumped so I packed my fists full of hate, took a swing at the world and straight through a fucking window, ugh. Seriously there was fucking glass everywhere, I just spent the past half hour picking shards of glass out of my hand. Now I'm bleeding all over the keyboard, goddamn this is gross.

I better go clean up or something.

Sunday 11 October 2009


likes men. welcome him.

Elitist - Elitist

This band is called Elitist. They're more elite than anything you listen to because they have, like, less than 68 listeners on which makes them pretty underground I mean I wonder how I even found them, I was perusing the internet when I saw something like "ELITIST". Yeah, I totally hit that shit up. They're like a sludgy hardcore band that play a sludgy kind of hardcore which contains varying levels of elitery. Listening to these guys makes me feel super elite because not only do they have like no listeners or whatever but they're also called ELITIST. Goddamnit, I feel so superior right now.

Weekend Nachos - Unforgivable

Omg a dead baby on the cover HOLY SHIT these guys mean business, a dead baby! Not gonna lie, that's pretty scary, I'm actually shitting myself now, what kind of disgusting, perverted, nihilistic slab of disgusting powerviolence is this gonna be? Wait, what, powerviolence, wtf, power... violence. Holy shit, they probably killed the kid themselves with their bare fucking hands, oh god, oh god, how are these people not locked up somewhere? Fuck, they've even named themselves some meaningless jibberish, I mean Weekend Nachos, what? What is this, like a bunch of Charles Mansons playing hardcore? I'm scared. Terrified. Okay, do I press play or what? But I can't, what if something happens? Okay, pressing play. Holy shit.

I need to change my pants.

Mesa Verde - The Old Road

This album is like one of the best albums ever it has fucking guitars and shit. Holy shit bro, guitars. And fucking epic as fuck shit. Seriously shit's like if some Scottish hardcore kid came along and got all emotional and started crying and was like "fuck my life, fuck you, fuck" except all with a Scottish accent because he's Scottish, derp, and then his chill older brother came along and was like, "sup kid, check out this sick post-rock band they're fucking chill as fuck" and the hardcore kid was like "hey this is pretty great" and then they started a band and named themselves after some pretty cool canyon thing in Mexico or America or something, which is nowhere near Scotland so why the fuck did they do that, pretentious fucks. Then they made a couple EPs or something which were cool but nothing too mindblowing except for that one song Dance Dance which had a sweet guitar tone, however did not make me want to dance. Then in 2008 they go ahead and release The Old Motherfucking Road which destroyed the aural cavities of anyone within five feet of the band. This then got hyped the fuck up over the internet because all the skramz kids jizzed themselves over this motherfucking deep as fuck screamo band from goddamn SCOTLAND of all places, like holy shit, where even is that? Despite my prejudice against whatever gets hyped up because I'm an elitist asscunt it turned out this ruled and I had to suck up and say 'fuck you' to my overwhelming elitery at which point the song Post-Youth came on and I have to say the shit hit the motherfucking fan. This song made me rethink everything. Who am I? Where do I come from? What is this? At which point I decided that I was going to do something with my life. That was 5 minutes ago. I have done nothing with my life.

Something about dreams and fears and brand new starts or something idk.

I Hate Myself - 10 Songs

You know what? I hate myself. So fucking much. Sometimes I think about taking my life, I mean, it's not like it really has any meaning to it or anything. What am I living for? The hope that things might get better? They won't. Probably. Either way, I'm sick and tired of hoping they will. Well you know what keeps me going? At least I'm not this fucking low. And I really can't imagine being this low. Things could always be worse, right? What's sad is that I Hate Myself said they were a joke band for fear of being made fun of. That's the extent of how fucking self-depricating and loathsome this is. Seriously. Ironically via some perverse form of logic this makes me feel better about myself. At least I don't feel this bad.

Just kidding LOL.